Thursday, January 10, 2008

Around the Horn

Some things you should be reading:

#1. Screw You Rick Telander: Trust in baseball is one thing, but a HoF ballot? Let's ask Tom. [Foul Balls]

#2. Christmas Ape goes out for a night on the town with Philip Rivers...I wish I knew where that photo came from [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

#3. Sox leadoff hitter? Please. Jim evaluates the roll of a leadoff hitter and makes sense of the Scott Podesdnik OBP phenomenon. Where does OBPS fit into all of this? [Sox Machine]

#4. Hey Czechoslovakia -- fuck you. Yeah, that's right. Fuck you and your goonies. [My Brain Says Rage]

#5. Mike Tirico and the Dallas Maggots. I don't really know what else to say -- watch the clip for yourself [Awful Announcing]

Think you should be on this list? Shoot us an E-mail...and cash. We like cash.

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